Firearms training / policy research

Bringing together firearms training and scholarly commentary on self-defense and gun rights


Firepower and Scholarship

The Armed Academic aims to provide evidence-based firearms training and consulting alongside serious scholarly commentary on firearms policy issues.

There is a large gap between the academic study of firearms and popular gun culture. It’s one thing to approach the issue of guns from the ivory tower; it’s another to approach it from a hands-on perspective. The Armed Academic brings these two perspectives together by offering commentary that is both intellectually rigorous and practically insightful.

TAA offers training in concealed carry and defensive handgun/rifle in the Kansas City metropolitan area, and is available for consulting on firearms and safety.

TAA’s academic research has appeared in publications from Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, as well as popular outlets such as Human Events, The Federalist, The Foundation for Economic Education, and Public Discourse.

Questions, comments, and media inquiries can be sent to  armedacademic[at] 

Learn more about the Armed Academic